Egyptian bill calls for psychological and medical exams before marriage

In Egypt, a member of the parliament proposed that couples preparing to marry undergo medical and psychological examinations as a pre-requisite. A report published by Psychology Today recommends taking a psychological test because many couples who marry end up divorcing.

Egyptian bill calls for psychological and medical exams before marriage

According to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS), 120,000 divorces took place in Egypt in 2020. According to the report, a psychological test should cover a number of important items, including how the parties deal with stress due to relatives’ illnesses, financial hardships, or increased responsibilities. Before a couple begins their lives together, they must learn how to deal with pressures and situations in marriage.

Being aware of when the other party plans to have children and how many. Research shows that there is a high likelihood of conflict between spouses over time. Knowing how each party can handle conflict is important. Both parties need time apart to calm down. A change in jobs or a move to a new home may require adjusting responsibilities and household chores, as well as roles between spouses and parents.

Psychological tests would be added to a range of medical tests already available for prospective husbands and wives. Healthtracka reports that medical tests include blood type and DNA tests in addition to HIV and hepatitis C tests. For early detection of genetic, immune, and infectious diseases, the draft law in Egypt includes performing a set of medical, psychological, and social examinations, including laboratory examinations and diagnostic radiology.

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